The Purity Experience: A Journey Through Our Unique Distillation Process.

At Purity, we pride ourselves on delivering an exceptional level of luxury and sophistication with every bottle of our premium Vodka and Gin. One of the key elements that set us apart is our unique distillation process, which we've honed to perfection through rigorous testing and innovation. This intricate procedure is carried out up to 51 times, guaranteeing an unparalleled smoothness and purity in every sip you take.

The Importance of Distillation

The distillation process is crucial in the production of spirits. It's during this stage that the essence of the drink is captured, eliminating any impurities and concentrating the flavors and aromas. At Purity, we've taken this to the next level by distilling our products up to 51 times.

Copper Surface Distillation

What makes our process truly unique is the use of copper surface distillation. Copper is a catalytic metal that assists in the removal of unwanted sulfuric compounds, which ensures that every drop of Purity Vodka and Gin meets the highest standards of quality.

Master Blender Mathias Tonnesson

The man behind our award-winning products is Master Blender Mathias Tonnesson. With years of expertise in the field, Mathias oversees every step of the distillation process, ensuring that each batch meets the rigorous standards set by Purity.

Attention to Detail

The distillation process is both an art and a science, requiring keen attention to detail. Parameters like temperature, pressure, and time are meticulously monitored to ensure optimal results.

From Grain to Glass

Our journey starts with the careful selection of organic wheat and malted barley, which are then converted into a high-quality mash. The mash is then subjected to fermentation, another crucial stage before distillation.

A Testament to Quality

The multiple distillation rounds serve as a testament to our commitment to excellence. We believe that each round adds a layer of refinement, resulting in a product that is incredibly smooth and rich in flavor.

The Final Product

After the exhaustive distillation process, what we have is a spirit that's second to none. Whether you're a vodka aficionado or a gin enthusiast, the Purity experience is sure to captivate your senses and elevate your drinking experience.


The Art of Savoring: How to Fully Enjoy Your Purity Cocktail


Unlocking Flavor: The Perfect Purity Pairings for Every Occasion.